Monday, June 1, 2009

It's June!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009
OMG!!! It's already 5 months I came here..
and what did I get?
Besides knowing heeps of pointless angmo, some cool+stupid Malaysian friends, one serious but funny singaporean...
Know how to catch a sheep, crutch them, shear them (in the learning process), castrate a bull, calf.. operate tractors- small, big, medium and HUGE!!!
Drink more beers, know more bad words, gain more fats, plenty of clubbing experiences, more loneliness.........
The best result is---- I am now able to do all my works by myself!!!
Sad case, i accidently learnt it coz i got no mate to copy from..
And I have exam start 25th June 2009. I will study very hard for this then go home!


guang said...


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